Kulturpass – Hungry for Art and Culture

Initiated in 2003 by Schauspielhaus Wien and the Armutskonferenz

What is it?

People living in precarious financial circumstances have the right to enjoy art and culture too. The so-called “Kulturpass” offers the possibility to do so. Using this “card” socially disadvantaged persons can obtain free entrance at numerous cultural institutions. “Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur”, created 2003 by the Schauspielhaus in co-operation with the “Armutskonferenz”, should be understood as an initiative that focuses on the discourse about the significance and accessibility of culture for all people.

Who are the beneficiaries?

All people who would like to participate in cultural activities, but who can not afford to, can benefit from this initiative: people who receive social welfare or a minimal retirement pensions, unemployed persons, refugees …

How does it work?

Every cultural institution participating in “Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur” grants free entrance to “Kulturpass” holders. Each of these institutions fund these tickets through the donations of individuals, organizations or sponsorship efforts. Cultural institutions disposing of restricted seats are usually providing quotas for “Kulturpass” holders. “Kulturpass” holders may have to book in advance. For further information about modalities, please visit our webpage www.hungeraufkunstundkultur.at
Please note that ticket-bookings are only possible directly at the cultural institutions. Rabenhof Theater, Raimund Theater and Theater an der Wien have recently joined “Hunger auf Kunst und Kultur” as “friends”. In these venues there are no pre-booked quotas for “Kulturpass” holders. Remaining tickets are only available on the day of performance.

Where to get the “Kulturpass”?

The distribution of the “Kulturpass” is facilitated by the Armutskonferenz (a network against poverty and social exclusion) and by numerous charitable aid organizations and assistance services as well as by the “Sozialzentren der Stadt Wien” and the AMS. The “Kulturpass” is valid for one year after the date of issue. Holders must present it together with a photo ID.

More information www.hungeraufkunstundkultur.at/

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